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Survival Tips for Nanowrimo

Writer: lifeofawriter2lifeofawriter2

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

It’s Nanowrimo season! Time to get those keyboards clicking and join in the fun for a wild ride of words, coffee, and chaos. Let’s go!

If you are just joining the journey, you may need some advice on how to win at Nanowrimo. Below are some tips to get you started.

1. Pick a place to write—you may already have a spot to write at, or you thought working on the couch would be fine. But what about when the TV is on in the evening? I find that it helps to have 1-3 places picked out in case your day does not go as planned. Maybe your first spot is at your desk with your desktop computer. But what if the desktop is not available? Your second spot could be at the local library with one of their computers. Maybe the library is closed, and your spouse/sibling/parent is using the desktop. Then you can write by hand in your bedroom and transfer the words to your computer later. By thinking ahead about these types of interruptions and having a plan will help you make sure you get your word count in for the day.

2. Pick what tools you want to use for writing—perhaps you love to write at the computer and when you feel the curved edges of the keys you get a jolt of inspiration and the words flow? Or maybe you get the inspirational kick from the feeling of a pen or pencil gliding over the paper? Either way, recognize which method makes you feel the most confident and inspired and make that your main writing method. Always keep a notebook with you for on the go writing, just in case.

3. Pick a reward system—You will need to find motivation to keep writing when life gets busy (think Thanksgiving family reunion). It helps to divide the 50,000 words into milestones like 10,000 words, 20,000 words, 30,000 words, 40,000 words, and 50,000 words. I enjoy using a sticker chart to track my progress and get a dose of adrenaline each time I add a sticker. Perhaps you prefer treating yourself to a coffee drink at each milestone or buying a book or snack? Perhaps you plan on doing something big if you win, like going on a vacation or a shopping spree? Maybe you give yourself permission to buy something you have always wanted. Whatever it is, find ways to motivate yourself to keep going.

4. Keep the fun—when the going gets tough through in something fun to add to your story. Maybe a bear bursts through the door. Maybe ninjas attack and still your drink. If you are frustrated with your story, throw in a quirky twist just to get the ideas flowing again. You can always delete it later. 😊

5. Don’t Edit—turn off your inner editor and do not allow yourself to delete or fix the story as you go. Sometimes we block ourselves by trying to create perfect first drafts. That’s not the goal of the first draft. The first draft is merely to get your ideas an concepts on paper. You can always fix them later. So let go of perfectionism and let a messy, awkward, crazy first draft burst onto the page.

If you need more inspiration or help, feel free to reach out to me at



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