As writers, we all want to have a solid writing routine and develop consistency. But sometimes it can be hard to keep writing. Here are some tips for writing consistently.
1. Goals: Have a specific goal for each time you sit down to write. For example, on a calendar or notebook write Revise Act 1 Scene 1. or Draft Act 2 Scene 1. Then when you have completed that writing goal your writing session is done for the day. You can plan a whole week's worth of daily goals at the start of the week or simply adjust the goal after each writing session. For example, on Monday I plan to Write 500 words on my Nanowrimo project. So when I sit down to write and I hit my 500 words I stop. Then I write a note on my desk that tomorrow I will write 700 words. This way every time I sit down at my desk I have notes telling me exactly what I'm going to do so I don't have to spend time figuring out what to write.
2. Timers: Use timers and set time limits for sessions. Progress is progress so set a reasonable time goal. For example, plan on writing for 15 minutes a day. When you go to your desk set a timer for 15 minutes then start writing. You can't get up or do anything else until the timer is up. When the timer is done you can stop writing for the day or keep going.
3. Charts: Create a Tracking Chart and hang it up in your office or another location where you will see it every day. Then cross off each day you wrote something. That way you can see your habit developing in front of you. Your tracking chart can be in a calendar form and you see how many days a month you sit down to write. Or it can be incremental word counts that you hit. Or it can be blocks of 15 minutes and every time you write for 15 minutes you get to check off a box. Be creative and find which way motivates you.
4. Reward system: Sometimes I need to motivate myself by saying I can't get a cup of coffee until I write for 15 minutes. Or maybe there is a community event you want to go to and you have to reach your week's writing goal before you can attend.
5. Time and Location: Set an alarm on your phone, watch, or kitchen timer for the same time every day. When that timer goes off you have to go and write right away. This works great if you have a routine style of life and you know you are always free at 10am or 8pm. When the alarm goes off it's your cue to head to your desk and write away.
Hopefully, these tips inspired you. Let me know which one is your favorite!